I t is an age old story. Civilizations came to life on its tracks. And died with it too. For a substance as omnipresent as water, it is quite tragic the way we take it for granted. Ancient times were understandable. We were just figuring out fire and what to eat to stay alive. However what’s the excuse today? We know the value of water. Around 80% of the world does not have access to safe water. And every year, the amount of rainfall received all over the world must be many times over the requirement of all the living beings. It is illuminating, when we see hurricanes and floods happening in one season , only for the land to become parched as a desert in the immediate next season. Even now our farmers are chained to monsoons and a good monsoon can make all the difference between having a decent income for the year and sinking further in debt. Rains are so critical to our livelihood that it baffles the mind, when we realize that we have not really developed a sound strategy ...
If you are like me following the tech world every day, you can be excused for believing that currently huge swaths of world are being invaded by this revolution known as Bitcoin and how it spells doom for current economies. While it might still be possible, there are quite a few challenges that seem to be overlooked. Specifically, How scalable is the block chain architecture? It is very easy to think of the block chain as a ledger where all the transactions are recorded and transparent. This has worked well so far with typically a niche set of users. However for Bitcoin to truly transcend the medium of internet and become accepted widely, it needs a significant percent of worlds 7 Billion population to use it. If so many start using it,do we know if block chain technology scale properly and provide authentication with reasonable speed? Even with current users, Block chain has become formidable and Bitcoin underwent a hard fork recently.. The exchange value of Bitcoin - what det...